Our residential customers with regular service will be provided with a 60-gallon green “Portland Composts!” roll cart for your yard debris and food scraps collection. Place your cart at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on collection day for weekly pick up. Please don’t obstruct the containers from view or place them in a way that makes them difficult to get to. All containers need to be separated by at least 12 inches. If you have any questions, give us a call.
Weight limit for roll cart: 135 lbs. (The container may break when lifted if too heavy. Wet grass, pumpkins, and fruit can be very heavy.)
Pack debris loosely so it falls easily from the cart.
Limbs must not poke above the lip of the cart since this can be very dangerous for drivers.
Roll cart lid must close.
Lid opening must face the street.
Roll cart needs to be easily accessible from the street.
Roll cart must be at least one foot away from (and not behind) any object, including cars, mailboxes, trees, telephone poles, and garbage containers.
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